Webcast Date |
Particulars |
5-09-2023 |
Result of Election ( Management Council and Maharashtra Secondary and Higher Secondary Education Board )
1. Notification of MC through AC
2. Notification of MSHSEB through AC
1-09-2023 |
Sample voting paper for the Election of Management Council and Maharashtra Secondary and Higher Secondary Education Board through Academic Council. |
25-08-2023 |
List of Final Nomination for the Election of Management Council and Maharashtra Secondary and Higher Secondary Education Board through Academic Council.
1. Notification of the Final Nomination ( MC through AC)
2. Notification of the Final Nomination ( MSHSEB through AC)
21-08-2023 |
Valid and Invalid Nominations list (Election to the Management Council and Maharashtra Secondary and Higher Secondary Education Board through Academic Council)
1. Nomination List of MC through AC
2. Nomination List of MSHSEB through AC |
11-08-2023 |
Election to the Management Council and Maharashtra Secondary and Higher Secondary Education Board through Academic Council
1. Election Programme
2.Notice of Election (MC through AC)
3. Notice of Election (MSHSEB through AC)
4. Academic Council Voter List
06-03-2023 |
Result of Board of Studies Chairperson
03-03-2023 |
1. अभ्यास मंडळावर स्विकृत सदस्य करण्यासाठी व विद्याशाखेवर नामनिर्देशन करण्यासंदर्भात पात्रता व शर्ती.
2. अभ्यास मंडळ यादीतील दुरुस्तीबाबतचे शुध्दीपत्रक. |
01-03-2023 |
Notification of the Final Nominations- Election Board of the Studies Chairperson Election |
28-02-2023 |
अभ्यास मंडळ यादीतील दुरूस्तीबाबत- शुध्दीपत्रक |
24-02-2023 |
Valid and Invalid Nominations List of Chairperson of the Board of Studies |
21-02-2023 |
अभ्यास मंडळ अध्यक्ष- उमेदवारी अर्जाच्या छाननीचे वेळापत्रक |
14-02-2023 |
अभ्यास मंडळाच्या यादीतील दुरुस्तीबाबतचे शुध्दीपत्रक |
13-02-2023 |
1. Notice of Election BOS
2. Notice of Meeting BOS
3. Election Program BOS
List of BOS
1. Faculty of Science and Technology
2. Faculty of Commerce and Management
3. Faculty of Humanities
4. Faculty of Inter-Disciplinary Studies
11-02-2023 |
Registered Graduates
11-02-2023 |
Result of Election to the Management Council through Senate
Representative of Managements
Registered Graduates
02-02-2023 |
Notification of the Final Nominations (Election to the Management Council through Senate)
Registered Graduates
Representative of Managements
02-02-2023 |
अंतिम पात्र उमेदवारांच्या यादी बाबत परिपत्रक |
30-01-2023 |
Valid and Invalid Nominations list (Election to the Management Council through Senate)
Registered Graduates
Representative of Managements
27-01-2023 |
व्यवस्थापन परिषद निवडणूक सूचनेतील दुरूस्ती बाबत |
25-01-2023 |
व्यवस्थापन परिषद निवडणूक- उमेदवारी अर्जाच्या छाननीचे वेळापत्रक |
18-01-2023 |
Election to the Management Council through Senate
Notice of Election
Election Programme
Senate Member List
17-11-2022 |
Result of University Election 2022
Academic Council - Teacher
Bord of Studies- Head of Departments
Senate- College Teacher
Senate- Registered Graduates
Senate -Principal
Senate - Representatives of Management
Academic Council - Teacher
Bord of Studies- Head of Departments
Senate- College Teacher
Senate- Registered Graduates
Senate -University Teacher
12-11-2022 |
दिनांक 14 नोव्हेंबर,2022 रोजी विद्यापीठ प्राधिकरणांच्या निवडणूकीच्या मतदानासाठी उमेदवार /मतदारांच्या माहितीसाठी सूचना |
12-11-2022 |
Sample voting paper for University Election 2022 (For Information of voters)
Academic Council - Teacher
Bord of Studies- Head of Departments
Senate- College Teacher
Senate- Registered Graduates
Senate -University Teacher
04-11-2022 |
दिनांक 14 नोव्हेंबर,2022 रोजी विद्यापीठ प्राधिकरणांच्या निवडणूकीच्या मतदानासाठी सूचना विरहीत सुटटी बाबत |
03-11-2022 |
Notification of the Final Nominations of University Election-2022
Heads of the Departments
Registered Graduates
Representatives of Management
Senate Teachers
Teachers to Academic Council
University Teachers
02-11-2022 |
मा.कुलगुरू यांचेकडे केलेल्या उमेदवारी अर्जांच्या अपिलाच्या सुनावणीचे वेळापत्रक |
01-11-2022 |
उमेदवारी अर्जाच्या वैधतेबाबत अपिल करणाऱ्या उमेदवारांनी अपिल अर्जावर ईमेल आयडी व मोबाईल नंबर नमूद करणेबाबत |
31-10-2022 |
Valid and Invalid Nominations list University Election-2022
Heads of the Departments
Registered Graduates
Representatives of Management
Senate Teachers
Teachers to Academic Council
University Teachers
28-10-2022 |
उमेदवारी अर्जांच्या छाननीचे वेळापत्रक |
15-10-2022 |
अधिकार मंडळाच्या निवडणूकीसाठी शिक्षक व प्राचार्य यांनी नामनिर्देशन अर्ज भरण्याबाबत परिपत्रक |
15-10-2022 |
विद्यापीठ अध्यापक यांचे मा.कुलगुरू यांचेकडून अभ्यास मंडळावर नामनिर्देशन करण्यासाठीचे परिपत्रक |
15-10-2022 |
संलग्न महाविद्यालयातील अध्यापक व पदव्युत्तर अध्यापक यांचे मा.कुलगुरू यांचेकडून अभ्यास मंडळावर नामनिर्देशन करण्यासाठीचे परिपत्रक |
14-10-2022 |
Notice of Election for University Election 2022 
Notice of election for College Teachers on Senate
Notice of election for Head of Departments in Colleges on Board of Studies
Notice of election for Principals
Notice of election for Registered Graduates
Notice of election for Representative of Management
Notice of election for Teachers to Academic Council
Notice of election for University Teachers
12-10-2022 |
Final Electrol Roll University Election 2022 
Final Electoral Roll of Principals
Final Electoral Roll of Registered Graduates
Final Electoral Roll of University Teachers
Final Electoral Roll of Teachers
Final Roll of Representatives of Management
Final Roll of the Heads of the Departments
11-10-2022 |
सुधारित अधिसूचना-विद्यापरिषदेच्या निवडणूकीसाठी आरक्षणाची सोडत काढण्याविषयी  |
07-10-2022 |
विद्यापरिषदेच्या निवडणूकीसाठी आरक्षणाची सोडत काढण्यासाठीच्या बैठकीसाठी उपस्थित राहण्याबाबत |
06-10-2022 |
दुरूस्त मतदार यादीच्या संदर्भांत घेतलेल्या आक्षेपाच्या अपिलास उपस्थित राहण्याबाबत. |
04-10-2022 |
व्यवस्थापन प्रतिनिधी यांनी मतदान केंद्र निवडण्याबाबत |
01-10-2022 |
Corrected Electrol Roll University Election 2022
Corrected Electoral Roll of Teachers
Corrected Roll of the Heads of the Departments
Corrected Electoral Roll of University Teachers
Corrected Roll of Representatives of Management
Corrected Electoral Roll of Principals
Corrected Electoral Roll of Registered Graduates
21-09-2022 |
विद्यापीठ प्राधिकरणांच्या निवडणूक कार्यक्रमाचे वेळापत्रक |
21-09-2022 |
Provisional Electrol Roll University Election 2022
Principal University Teachers
Registered Graduates Representative Management
College Teachers Head of the Departments in Affiliated Colleges