Honorable Vice Chancellor

Prof. (Dr.) D. T. Shirke
Hon'ble Vice Chancellor
Dear Friends,
It gives me immense pleasure to welcome you through this portal. Since inception, Shivaji University has been on an epic journey towards catering to the needs of our valued students. This University, being located in southern Maharashtra has rich cultural heritage and patronage of social reformers. Carrying ahead the legacy, Shivaji University has stepped forward with excellence in higher education and social commitment.
Over the years, the university has figured out its action plan to deliver the best in “Teaching Learning and Research”. Moving ahead with the same spirit, it has defined the strategies to focus on state-of-the-art technologies. Keeping the agenda, in line with creation and dissemination of knowledge, this university has concentrated on progress of students through well defined curricular and welfare programmes. Shivaji University has always looked upon the value creation to synergize our students to accomplish their goals.
It is a great privilege to indulge into the mission of Shivaji University, to translate our dream into action. The journey so far, has set up several milestones that inspire the academic community to take upon ambitious programmes and projects in larger interests of society and mankind.
The University has nearly three lac students, learning on and off the University campus through its 276 affiliated colleges in various faculties. I believe that the contemporary business and professional world is in requirement of knowledgeable professionals who could withstand the dynamics of the fast-changing world. In order to achieve our future goals, we are making all efforts to build an outstanding infrastructure and to create the conducive atmosphere of research sensitization among graduate and post-graduate level students. The University is keen to establish National and International collaboration with premier institutes, universities and business houses to create and ensure the opportunities of horizontal and vertical progress in academics, research and industries for the students. The University has been benefitted from the various funding agencies of Government like UGC, RUSA, DST, DRDO etc. It is well taken by the researchers and academicians functioning on and off the campus. Now the University is trying its best to create interdisciplinary and incubation activities as a routine practice with great pace.
Shivaji University has achieved a name to reckon within the academic fraternity by giving a strong impetus to create an environment of knowledge application and holistically inspiring students to become eminent personalities of tomorrow. We are supporting our students to realize their potential and get into the fresh opportunities. The university is engaged in taking up innovations in academics and research and look ahead to explore the world of science and technology with inventions and updates.
Our commitment to quality and dedication to generate ideas, lead us towards outreach activities like well being of society, education, training and awareness programmes, creation and dissemination of specialized knowledge and advanced research.
During the last few years, we have welcomed change and challenges simultaneously. In this fast- paced world, technological change is a constant element. Rather, it may be considered as an active mean to reach out to internationalization of higher education. Likewise, challenges also have never been obstacles for us but a key to open new opportunities and to stay responsive and innovative.
We are very much keen on the progress graph of students and the University, as a whole.
As Swami Vivekananda rightly pointed out as "Education is the manifestation of the perfection already in man", we at University strive to create condusive atmosphere for this manifestation to bring out the perfection already existing our students.
With this in mind, I offer my best wishes to the students, teachers, researchers, officers, members of all bodies and authorities and staff. I seek continued patronage of our stakeholders.
Hon. Vice Chancellor Biodata
One Page Biodata of Hon. Vice Chancellor