Academic year 2008-2009
(A) Seminar
The Centre of Nehru Studies (CNS) organized a national seminar on Relevance of Nehru model of political Development on 24th, 25th, & 26th March 2009. It was inaugurated by Dr. Suhas Palashikar and was attended by more 100 delegates in which papers were presented in the said seminar.
(B) Workshops
- A workshop on “Political thought of Nehru” was organized the Centre of Nehru Studies (CNS on 6th of January 2009 at Shivaji College, Satara. Dr. Ashok Chousalkar, Mr. Kishor Bedakihal and Mr. Vishwas Dandekar were the key speakers. More than 150 teacher and students of the affiliated colleges and department attended the workshop.
- A workshop was organized on Pandit Nehru’s classic – Discovery of India on 21st and 22nd January 2009 at Shivaji University, Kolhapur. Mr. R.P. Nene Pune, Mr.Kishor Bedakihal, Mr. Vishwas Dandekar, Dr. Avanish Patil & Dr. A.S. Chousalkar worked as experts and was presided by Prof Vasanti Rasam; Member of Management Council, SUK. More than 150 teacher and students of the affiliated colleges and departments attended it.
(C) Lecture Series
- The Centre of Nehru Studies (CNS) organized a series of three lectures on Foreign policy of Pandit Nehru on 2nd and 3rd January 2009. These lectures were delivered by Dr. Shrikant Paranjape, Professor of Political Science and Head, Department of Defence and Strategic Studies; University of Pune.
(D) Exhibition
The Centre of Nehru studies organized a photo exhibition in collaboration with Nehru Memorial Museum and library, (N.M.M.L.) Teen Murti Bhavan, New Delhi on the theme “Letters that bind Indu and Papu together” from 17th to 26th January 2009, at Humanities building. The books and cassettes prepared by the N.M.M.L. were also sold. The exhibition evoked good response from the students, teachers and general public on all days of the exhibition.
(E) Publications of the Centre
1) Rajurkar N.G. Jawaharlal Nehru’s role in Indian Politics, Kolhapur 2009.
2) Chousalkar A.S. (Ed.) Studies in Kosambi on State and Feudalism Shivaji University,Kolhapur 2009.
Academic year 2009-2010
(A) Seminar
The Centre of Nehru studies organized a national seminar on “Relevance of Nehru model of political Development” on 24th, 25th, & 26th March 2009. It was inaugurated by Dr. Suhas Palashikar. More than 50 papers were presented in the seminar. It was attended by nearly 100 delegates.
(B) Workshops
- The Centre of Nehru studies organized workshop on the theme of Prof D.D.Kosambi on science and society to mark birth Centenary celebration of Dr. Kosambi. Dr Sudhir Pansase Mumbai, Mr, R.P.Nene Pune, Prof. Ram Bapat, Pune, Dr. Avanish Patil & Dr. A.S. Chousalkar worked as experts. More than 100 teachers and students participated in the workshop conducted on 29th and 30th. August 2009.
- A three day workshop on “Glimpses of World History” on 5th 6th and 7th Oct. 2009 was organized by the Centre of Nehru studies. It was inaugurated by Prof. V.T.Patil former Vice-Chancellor of Pondicherry Central University. Various aspects of Nehru’s work were described to the students. There was a tremendous response as more than 200 students took part in it.
- A one day workshop of students social activists and police officers was organized by the Centre of Nehru studies on 14th Nov. 2009. The topic of the workshop was “Communal Harmony and Social Peace”. Prominent speakers were Dr. A.A. Engineer of Mumbai Mr. Suresh Khopade and IG of Mumbai. More than 40 activists and 100 students took part in it with serious discussion on various aspects.
- One day workshop was organized by the Centre of Nehru studies at Lal Bahadur Shastri College, Satara on 03rd. Feb 2010 on “Pandit Nehru and secularism.” Dr. Purshottam Setha a prominent social activist and Mr. Kishor Bedakihal and Dr. Bharati Patil. also delivered lectures to explain relevance of Nehru’s ideas.
- On 11the February the Centre of Nehru studies organized one day workshop on “The partition of India.” The keynote address was delivered by Prof. R.G. Rajurkar an eminent Nehru Scholar from Osmania University, Hyderabad. His lectures were followed by discussion. More than 120 students social activists and the college teacher took part in the workshop.
- The Centre is organized one day workshop for College students N.S.S. students and villagers at Dr. B.R. Ambedkar College, Peth Vadgaon on 7th March 2010.
(Lecture Series)
1) Dr. Sanjay Deshpande, Reader, Centre of Eurasian Studies, University of Mumbai delivered three lectures on Indo- Soviet relations on 17th and 18th February 2010.
2) The Centre of Nehru studies organized symposium on Indian Constitution and its achievement on the occasion of 60 years of Indian constitution on 26th Nov. 2009. Mr. Shantaram Garude, a prominent freedom fighter and social activist was Chief Guest.
Academic year 2010-2011
(A) Seminar
The Centre organized a National Seminar on India’s Foreign Policy: Continuity and change held on 4th &5th March 2011. It was inaugurated by Dr.V.T.Patil Ex. Vice- Chancellor Pondicherry University. Sixty four research papers were presented in the day’s seminar. It was attended by 223 delegates.
(B) Workshops
A workshop was jointly organized by Centre of Nehru Studies and Mahishal
Mahavidhyalaya, Mahishal on the theme of “Political views of Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru” on
21st October 2010. Dr. Arun Chavan Shri. Sushil Shinde And Dr.V.P.Rasam were the Resource person to guide the participants of the workshop. More than 105 (teacher and students ) participated in the workshop.
- A workshop was jointly organized by the Centre of Nehru studies and Shrimati. Kasturbai
Walchand college, Sangli, on the theme of “Pandit Nehru and Kashmir Issue” on 16th. Nov.
2010. In this workshop. Prin. Dr. P.B.Patil, Dr.K.S. Patil. Dr. Amar Pandey, Shri. B.A.Patil
and Dr. Vasanti Rasam were the Resource persons at the workshop.
3) A workshop was jointly organized by Centre of Nehru Studies and Shivraj Art’s Commerce
and D.S. Kadam Science College, Gadhinglaj on the theme of “Contribution of Pandit Nehru
towards the making of Indian Constituion” on 4th Jan 2011.
4) A workshop was jointly organized by Centre of Nehru studies and Karmveer Hire Art’s
Commerce and Science College, Gargoti on the theme of “Trends in Indian Democracy” on 8th
Jan 2011. in the workshop, Prin. Chandrakant Chougle, Dr. R.S. Kamble, Dr. Bhalba
Vibhute, Shri. Raja Shirguppe, Shri. Sushil Kumar Shinde and Dr. Arun Chavan were the Resource persons to address the participants of the workshop.
- Workshop on ‘New Trend’s in Public Administration and International Relations’ on 28th- 29th January 2011, at Centre of Nehru Studies, S.U. K
- A workshop was Jointly organized by Centre of Nehru studies and Art’s and Commerce
College, Nagthane, on the theme of “Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru’s views on Democracy and
Socialism” on 4th Feb 2011. Prin. Dr. Ashok Karande, Shri. Kishor Bedkihal,. Prof. R.R.
Gaikwad. Dr. V.B. Shinde, Dr. J.A. Mhetre and Shri. S.S. Boliakar were the Resource persons
- Workshop on Pandit Nehru’s views on Democratic Socialism was organized by the Centre of
Nehru studies on 15th February 2011 at Kisanveer College, Wai.
(Lecture Series)
- The Centre of Nehru studies organized a two day’s lecture series on “Political Economy” on 4th & 5th October 2010. The lectures were delivered by Prof.F.H. Bennur, (Solapur) Prof. Yashawant Sumant, (Pune) and Prof. Pushpa Bhave. (Mumbai).
- The Centre of Nehru studies organized Workshop on ‘Political View’s of Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru’ was organized on 21st October 2010 at Mahisal Mahavidyalay, Mahisal.
- Workshop on ‘Pandit Nehru and Kashmir Issue’ was organized on 16th November 2010 at Shrimati Kasturbai Walchand College, Sangali.
- One Day Lecture series was organized by Centre of Nehru studies on ‘Nehru and Partition of India’ on 1st December 2010. The Lecture delivered by Prof. Yashwant Sumant, Head Dept. of Political Science, University of Pune
- The Centre of Nehru studies organized to Two Day’s lecture series on “India’s internal Security System” on 21 and 22nd.December 2010. The lectures were delivered by Brig. Hemant Mahajan, Pune.
- The Centre of Nehru studies organized a Two Day’s lecture Series on “Delimitation of Constituency” on 31st December 2010. The lectures were delivered by Prof. Prakash Pawar, Pune.
- The Centre of Nehru studies organized a workshop on The contribution of Pandit Nehru towards the making of the Indian Constitution on 4th. Jan. 2011 at Shivraj Art’s and Commerce College, Gadhinglaj
- Workshop was the Centre of Nehru studies organized a “Trends In Indian Democracy” on 8th January 2011 at Karmaveer Hire Arts, commerce and Science College, Gargoti.
- Workshop on ‘New Trend’s in Public Administration and International Relations’ on 28th & 29th January 2011, was organized by Centre of Nehru Studies, S.U. K.
- Workshop on ‘New Trend’s in Public Administration and International Relations’ on 28th & 29th January 2011, was organized by the Centre of Nehru Studies, S.U. K.
- Workshop on ‘Pandit Nehru’s View on Democracy and Socialism’ on 4th February 2011 at Arts and Commerce college; was organized by the Centre of Nehru Studies, S.U. K.
- Workshop on “Indian Constitution and Pandit Nehru” was organized by the Centre of Nehru studies on 18th February 2011 at D.K.A.S.C College, Ichalkaranji.
- One Day Lecture series on ‘Qualitative Research Methodology’ on 17th December 2011. The Lecture delivered by Mrs., Chaitra Redkar, Head Dept. of Political Science, S. N. D. T. University, Mumbai.
Academic year 2011-2012
(A) Seminar
- A Two Days National Seminar was organized by the Centre of Nehru studies on “Changing Paradigm of National Security” On 12th, 13 th October 2011, It was inaugurated by Prof. N.J. Pawar, Vice – Chancellor, Shivaji University, Kolhapur. Prof Shrikant Paranjpayee delivered the Key-note address.
- Debate Competition for college students on 14th November, 2011 organized by the Centre of Nehru studies
(B) Workshop
- One Day Workshop on “India’s Foreign Relationship - Special Reference of Indo-China Relationship” on 4th October, 2011 at Balasaheb Desai College, Patan.
- On Day Workshop on Problems of Sovereignty towards Parliament on 7th October, 2011 at Arts, Commerce & Science college Gadhinglaj, Dist, Kolhapur.
- One Day Workshop on Political Thought of Pandit Javaharlal Nehru On 8th October, 2011 at Karmaveer Hire Arts, Commerce, Science & Education College, Gargoti.
- One Day Workshop on Architect of Modern India Pandit Javaharlal Nehru on 27th December, 2011 at Smt. Kusumtai Rajarambapua Patil kanya Mahavidhyalay, Ishlampur.
- One Day Workshop on India’s Civil Society & Democracy on 27th January, 2012 at Mudhoji College, Phaltan, Dist Satara.
- One Day Workshop on Ethics of Internationalization on 28th January, 2012 at Sadguru Gadage Maharaj College, Karad , Dist. Satara.
- One day workshop on India’s Civil Society & Democracy on 27th January, 2012 at Mudhoji College Phaltan, Dist Satara.
- Two Days Workshop on Research Methods in Social Sciences on 28, 29th March, 2012 at Education Auditorium, Shivaji University, Kolhapur.
(C) Lecture Series
- One Day’s Lecture series on “Democractic Revolution in Arab Countries” on 1st August 2011.Shir A.A. Engineers & Dr. Smt. V.P. Rasam, were the experts invited to deliver the lectures.
- One Days Lecture series on Qualitative Research Methods on 17th December 2011. Smt. Chitra Redkar, Dr. Smt. V.P.Rasam, & Shir P.K. Bhoye were the experts invited to deliver the lectures.
- One Day Lecture Series on Study of Election Process on 24th February, 2012. Dr Nitin Birmal. Dr. Prakash Powar, Shri. Somnath Gholave, Prof. Shailendra Kharat & Dr. Smt. V.P. Rasam were the experts invited to deliver the lectures.
(D) Publication of the Centre
- Prof. N.G. Rajukar, Pandit Jawharlala Nehru and his contribution on” Indian Politics before and after independence, Centre of Nehru Sties, Shivaji University, Kolhapur, 2009.
- Dr. Ashok Chousalkar, Mahatma Gandhi and Bhagat Sing, Manibhavan, Mumbai, 2009.
- Prof. N.G. Rajurkar, ‘Partition of Indian’ Centre of Nehru Studies, Shivaji University, Kolhapur.
- Shri Vishwas Dandekar, “India- China Border Dispute” published by the Centre of Nehru Studies, Shivaji University, Kolhapur.
- Shri Kishor Bedkihal, “Pandit Nehru and Secular Nationalism” published by the Centre of Nehru Studies, Shivaji University, Kolhapur.
- Shri. Prasad Kulkarni, Political and social changes during Nehru era as sketched in Marathi Novel’s published by the Centre of Nehru Studies, Shivaji University, Kolhapur
Academic year 2013-2014
(A) Workshop :
1) The National Workshop on “2014 Lok Sabha Elections and OBC Politics”
Organized on 8 July 2014. for the teacher of all Social Science, on the eve of Birth
Anniversary of Hon. Shri. Vasantrao Naik. Key-note address by Shri Vasant Bhosle- Chief Editor Daily Lokmat. Presided by Hon. Pro.V.C. Prin Dr. Ashok Bhoite. Other Resource persons – Prin. Nitin Birmal; Prof. Prakash Powar, Prof. Bhalba Vibhute and Prof. Vasanti Rasam
2) State level workshop was organized on “Budget 2014 -Reality and expectations” ah
Mahisal College, Mahisal on behalf on Center of Nehru Studies on 18 July 2014.
(B) Birth Anniversary:
- We celebrated the Nehru Birth Anniversary on 14th November 2013. We conducted essay and debate competition for children at school level in order to inculcate the views and contribution of Jawaharlal Nehru.
2) 01 July 2014 Hon. Shri. Vasantrao Naik Birth Anniversary Celebration on behalf Shivaji University; organized by the Centre of Nehru Studies, Shivaji University Kolhapur
(B) Conference:
1) The Shivaji University Political Science Conference was co- sponsored by Center
of Nehru Studies which was held on 21st & 22nd March 2014.
Plan to conduct a National seminar on Contribution of Nehru to the nation building-Nov-14-15; 2014 commomerating the 125th. birth anniversary of Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru
Academic plan for 2014-2015
- One Day Workshop on ‘2014-Election and Politics of OBC” on the occasion of Birth anniversary of Hon. Vasantrao Naik- 1st.July. 2014
- Debate/Quiz/Essay writing/Elocution Competition for college and University students on Pandit Nehru (on the occasion of 125th Anniversary of Pandit Nehru) on “Contribution of Pandit Nehru”October 214
- Lecture series (III) on “Contribution of Pandit Nehru in Nation Building (for Society)October .2014
- Celeberating the occasion of Lal Bahadur Shastri Birth anniversary 2nd.Oct. 2014
- College level programmes will also be arranged on the occasion of 125th Anniversary of Pandit Nehru Oct-Nov 2014
- National Conference on the occasion of 125th Anniversary of Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru Nov. 2014
- Publication of International Conference Proceeding; Dec. 2014
- Two Day’s Workshop on ‘Public Private Partnership’; Jan. 2015
- Seminar on International relations- recent developmentsFeb-March-2015