Pandit Jawahrlal Nehru is considered as the architect of modern India and ;under the U.G.C. Scheme of Epoch Making Social Thinkers, Shivaji University has established the Centre of Nehru studies and the Centre has started functioning from the academic year 2008-09.
The purpose of the Centre is to organize a number of programmes on the theme of Life and Achievements of Pandit Nehru as well as on subjects like Indian Democracy, Nationalism, Indian’s Foreign Policy and India’s Economic Development. The Centre is going to organize a Seminar on Nehru Model after Nehru and Sixty Years of India’s Constitution. The Centre is organizing a number of Workshops for college students and teachers. At present, two Research Projects are undertaken and the faculty has published two Research Papers. The Centre organized a Workshop on Dr. Kosambi.
From the next academic year, the Centre is planning to introduce few Short Term Courses on Indian Secularism, India’s Freedom Movement and Indian democracy in the light of current problems. The Centre may introduce few inter-disciplinary Courses in the present scheme of Credits System. The centre would like to bring out a number of publications.