Exam Section
Name Lists , Summary and Hall Tickets
  • Name Lists
    • On receipt of the Name List, the same shall be displayed prominently on the college notice board, asking students to verify their names/spellings, college code, centre, subjects and subject codes, etc. and report any discrepancies in the Name Lists to the college office in writing.
    • All the discrepancies/ corrections in the Name Lists, reported by the students, shall be communicated to the concerned Examination Section within 15 days of the receipt of Name List. Students/colleges will be responsible for the problems arising due to late/not reporting of such discrepancies/corrections.
  • Summary: On receipt of the summary, college should verify the courses for which center is allotted, number of days and date. The number of question papers received during the distribution of the question papers shall be verified with summary for each subject and with total number of students appearing for that subject. If there is any discrepancy, the concerned Principal/Senior supervisor should inform the University Office immediately well in advance, at least two days before actual examination.
  • Hall Tickets: The University Office will send the Hall Tickets to the concerned college of the students 15 days before the commencement of the examinations. The College should distribute it after due verification to the concerned student after signature of the concerned student in front of principal with Principal’s signature. If any discrepancy or error is found in the Hall Ticket, it should be communicated to the concerned examination section with proof ( for e.g. in case of photograph) and original hall ticket demanding corrected new Hall ticket. The Hall Ticket contains information regarding the Name of the student, PRN number, photo, current seat number, college, and customized timetable of the examination for the information of the student. Student should write correct seat number as per Hall ticket on the answer books, failing which he/she will be penalized for Rs.500/- per paper and his/her result will be declared after confirmation of identity and hand writing. Also student should confirm the time table with the final program circulated by the University to the concerned college.


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