Central Placement Section
Placement Officer, Central Placement Cell



Placement Officers Desk
Central Placement Cell was established in the year 2006 to provide relevant skills and competencies to the students in the core thrust areas so that they get recruited in top-notch companies. It acts as an interface between the students and potential employers. Placement Cell takes adequate steps in identifying the current demands of the industry through University-Industry interactions and provides training to students considering their need. Each year, Placement Cell invites and host various companies on campus to hold recruitment for the students. In addition, Placement Cell organizes Mega job and skill fairs, pool campus, off campus drives, Expert lectures, Career fares, Entrepreneurship awareness programs, Internship and Apprenticeship training assistance as well as Trainers training program. In addition, Placement Cell is taking special efforts to provide employment opportunities to persons with disabilities. Placement cell maintains constant contact with Alumni for engaging their expertise in various placement activities.Placement Cell approaches organizations for recruitment, maintains database of students, conducts various training programs and provides necessary support to the recruiters to seamlessly conduct the recruitment process. Placement Cell tirelessly endeavours to help the students of Shivaji University to put their best foot forward while stepping into the corporate world. In the last five years, more than 14,000 students have been placed in more than 440 companies. With relentless support from Hon’ble Vice Chancellor, Pro-Vice Chancellor, Registrar, Department placement officers, faculty, students and alumni, Placement Cell has been growing from strength to strength and is striving towards the ultimate goal of 100% placement for the students. We welcome any suggestion from organization that will help us to realize our cherished goal of achieving the best match between the aspirations of the recruiting organizations and the abilities of our students. We look forward to having enthusiastic participation from your esteemed organization for the placement of our students.


Dr. R. D. Padval
Central Placement Cell

Department no: 0231-2609398



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