Center For Gandhian Studies
Extension Activities


Guest lectures
( 2014-2019)

  1. Guest Lectures by Shri Kishor Bedkihal on ‘Nehru’s Model of Development’, & ‘Nehru & Secularism ‘, 14th August 2014
  2. Shivajirao Bhosale Momorial Lecture by Dr. Janardan Waghmare, on Philosophy of Indian Constitution organized in association with Maharashtra Philosophy Association, 17th March 2015.
  3. Guest Lecture by Sambhaji Bhagat on ‘Art and social change’ organized by Dept of Political Science and Department of Sociology, ShivajiUniversity, 10th September 2015
  4. Gurest Lecture by Sadanand More on ‘Mahatma Gandhi and Maharashtra’ organized by Centre for Gandhian Studies and Department of  Political Science, Shivaji University 8th October 2015
  5. Usha Mehta Memorial Lecture by Prof. Usha Thakkar on ‘1942 Quit Indian Movement and Usha Mehta, orginzed jointly by centre for Gandhian Studies, Dept. of Political Science, 8th December 2016
  6. Centre for Gandhian studies and Dept. of Political Science jointly organized ‘Dr. Usha Mehta  Memorial Lecture’  on the subject ‘Centenary of Champaran Satyagraha’ by Shri Jayant Diwan, Mumbai. The Lecture was organized on 2nd August 2017
  7. First Krantiagrani G. D. Bapu Lad Memorial  lecture on 23rd Jan 2018.

Extension Activities  
(Year 2014 to 2019)

  1. Organized Blood donation camp on the occasion of Kranti Din, 9thAuguest 2014.
  2. Blood Donation Camp, organized in association with Department of Political Science 1st October 2015
  3. Exhibution of rare Photos of Gandhi in South Africa organized form 2nd October to 10th October 2015.
  4. Books titled vimarsh and Samvad, Writtten by Dr. J. R. Dabhole, Published at the auspicious hands of Dr. Sadanand More, 8th October 2015
  5. Centre for Gandhian Studies organised a play reading of ‘Mahadev Bhai’ produced by Pratyaya and compiled by Dr. Sharad Bhutadia on 15thAuguest 2017.
  6. Centre for Gandhian Studies and SamajPrabodhanPatrika jointly organised ‘VachanPrerana Din’ on 13th Oct 2017 on the occasion of Late Dr. A. P. J. Abdul Kalam Jayanti.
  7. Centre for Gandhian Studies organised a film show on  the occasion of Gandhi Smiriti Din on 30th January 2018 
  8. Exhibution of rare Photos of Gandhi in South Africa organized form 1st  October to 6th October 2018.

Gandhi Jayanti International Non Violence Day and Swachata Abhiyan organized Every Year on 2nd October

Every Year : 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019 and 2020 on the occasion of Gandhi Jayanti, i. e. 2nd October, Swacchata Abhiyan is launched on the campus in which all stakeholders take part. There after homage is paid to Mahatma Gandhi by Hon. Vice Chancellor, Pro-vice Chancellor and other dignitaries by garlanding Mahatma’s photo. A pledge of Non violence and Swacchata is given to everyone present by the Coordintor. 


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