Ongoing Online Projects and Activities
Name of the Activity
Online Mode
Collaborating Institutes
Number of Participants
Kitchen Gardening using garbage compost and Gardening FAQ
3 Months
Training on Google Meet and WhatsApp
Temporal Migration of Food, wild edible vegetables and edible wetland
3 Months
Discussion group
On WhatsApp
Women Entrepreneurship
One Year
Discussion, Display and Guidance Group on WhatsApp
Collaboration for Guidance: Chartered Accountant, Tax Consultant and Swayamprerika, NGO, Kolhapur&
257 Women Entrepreneurs from 85 trends, Entrepreneurs included from Maharashtra, Goa Karnataka, USA and Canada
Roadmap for Sustainability
One Year
Brain Storming and Strategizing Group on WhatsApp
Participation of Academic and NGO experts
Energizing Yourself: Music Counselling, based on concept of; Samay-Chakra’ in Hindusthani Classical Music
Facebook Live
Department of Music and Dramatics
2 Videos displayed so for with average 380 views
Motivation for demotivated Students during Global Pandemic
One Day
Training on Google Meet: Concept and reasons of demotivation and strategic planning for Motivation
Sarth Education Society, Kolhapur
11 participants from schools from rural area of Konkan
Sanskrit Subhashitmala for school children: Teaching and learning 2 shlokas per week
Every Sunday at 7 am
Google Meet
Ramdevgiri Math, Gadhinglaj,
Dr, S, R. Patil,
Please contact for further information and participation to Dr, Manjusha Deshpande, Director, Centre for Community Development, Shivaji University, Kolhapur, 0231-2609309(0), 9158990530