PO's PSO's CO's
1. Students are familiarizing the conceptual and theoretical knowledge in fundamental areas of psychology.
2. Students are able to introduce the various branches of psychology and its relevance to day today life.
3. Ability to understand human behaviour in the society.
4. To encourage the students for conducting research in the field of psychology.
After the successful completion of this programme students will able to
1. Enhance the basic knowledge of psychology
2. Develop ability to acquire practical knowledge and its application of the society.
3.Enhance awareness of criminal and forensic psychology among students
4. Develop ethical standards in psychology through professional practice and research.
5. Become a responsible citizen who are able to create healthy and peaceful society with the help of psychological applications.
Research Methods in Psychology
1. Students are able to understand the different methods to solve the particular problem in scientific way.
2. Students are able to gain the fundamental knowledge about various research types.
3. Students are able to understand the different types of research designs.
4. Students are able to apply standardized methods in research for solving society relevant Problem.
Applied Cognitive Psychology
1. Students are able to gain knowledge about different types of memory.
2. Students are able to apply various problem solving methods in day to day life
3. Students are able to enhance their reasoning and decision making skill.
4. Students are able to develop their viewpoint towards high level mental Processing.
Theories of Personality
1. Students are able to understand behavior process through psychoanalytic approach.
2. Students are able to understand various Psychosocial stages of development in human life.
3. Students are aware about human life in humanistic manner.
4. Students are introduced theoretical knowledge and methods of Personality measurements.
Positive Psychology
1. Students aware about happiness and subjective wellbeing.
2. Students are able to differentiate the terms of self-efficacy, optimism and hope.
3. Students are able to develop ability to striving for stressful events with the help of resilience.
4. Students are able to evaluate positive emotions towards self and society.
Statistics in Psychology
1. Students are able to apply correlation and regression methods in data analysis.
2. Students are able to gain knowledge about analysis of variance.
3. Students are able to know the importance of Non-Parametric statics in research frame.
4. Students are able to enhance their statistic knowledge to find answer of problem in scientific way.
Health Psychology
1. Students are able to differentiate in illness and diseases and aware about physical and mental well-being.
2. Students are able to enhance the ability of strive to stressful situation.
3. Students are able to aware about various health issues of women’s.
4. Students are able to gain knowledge about different techniques of prevention for diseases.
Theories of Learning
1. Students are able to understand the different methods of behavior modification
2. Students are able to develop view of simplicity of objects in learning.
3.Students are able to gain knowledge about relationship between neurological structure and learning
4. Students are able to enhance their knowledge about learning, skills and techniques in daily life.
1. Students are able to design, conduct and report of Laboratory experiments.
2. Students are able to acquire the ability to administer and interpret of psychological tests.
3. Students are able to develop various statistical techniques using statistical software.
4. Students are able to applying Psychological experiments and tests in day to day life.
Criminal Psychology
1. Students are able to understand the theoretical knowledge of criminal behaviour
2. Students are able to understand how to social, environmental and psychological risk factors affecting on criminal behaviour
3. Students are able to introduce the nature of biological factors which is influencing on criminal behaviour
4. Students are able to apply behavioural perspectives in crime
Criminal Behaviour
1. Students are able to apply various treatment programs and rehabilitation strategies for reducing juvenile delinquency.
2. Students are able to measuring influence of mental disorders on antisocial behaviour .
3. Ability to evaluate the various risks factors of violence and aggression.
4. Students are able to eradicate social and religious crises like terrorism
Applied Forensic Psychology
1. Students are able to apply the polygraph technique and assessment of malingering and deception.
2. Students are able to identify the role of memory in eyewitness testimony.
3. Students are able to eradicate sexual offences in society and develop prevention and treatment programs for it.
4. Students are able to evaluate crime rate of youth offenders and understand antisocial theories of youth.
5. Students are able to develop protective factors and evaluate prevention, intervention and treatment strategies of young offenders
1. Students are able to apply lie detector technique in criminal activity.
2. Students are able to evaluate fingerprints and footprint collection.
3. Students are able to analyze sexual evidence in crime
4. Students are able to develop various skills of conducting experiments and test administration and its report writing.
5. Students are able to develop practical knowledge of forensic psychology and its application in day today life
1. Ability to understand various concepts related with criminology.
2. Students are able to analyze the structure of crime
3. Ability to develop Psychological perspectives of crime.
4. Students are able to evaluate the concepts of Behavior modification on Motivation, Intelligence and personality types with helps of various Psychological theories.
Etiology and Trends of Crime.
1. Students are able to evaluate major causes of crime.
2. Ability to generate an awareness of the nature of cybercrime and policy Implications.
3. Students are able to understand the concept of penology and punishment.
4. Students are able to learn prison conditions in India.
Forensic Psychology
1. Students are able to create awareness of Forensic Psychology.
2. Students are able to learn various psychological aspects affecting on police officers.
3. Students are able to understand different investigation techniques in Forensic Psychology.
4. Students are able to familiar Judicial process of crime.
1. Students are able to develop skills of visit report writing.
2. Students are able to develop their observations skills through crime scene report.
3. Students are able to develop the basic investigation skills.
4. Students are able to make projects in the field of Forensic Psychology