10th in India for Research work in Material Science in non-agricultural universities *** Second in India to use Nature e-journal *** First in research work on Physics subject in India (Current Science).
The Department of Microbiology is established in 2005.The various courses offered in the department are M. Sc., M. Phil., and Ph.D. in microbiology. Department has also started M.Sc. course in Pharmaceutical Microbiology from 2016. These subjects have been started to make microbiology as an interdisciplinary subject in the sense that a microbiologist must be one who also has knowledge of biochemistry,biostatistics and bioinformatics, so that when the students think of making a career in their chosen field, they must have the basics of these prime subjects to become a competent microbiologist. That is why this course has been labeled as a M. Sc. course in Microbiology but with Horizontal Mobility. During the first year the students are given an exhaustive training and basic knowledge of biochemistry, biostatistics and bioinformatics with computer orientation. Department has essential infrastructural facility to carry out research in microbiology. Department students are supported by scholarship/fellowships from Shivaji University Golden Jubilee Fellowship (DRF), State Government, and Central Government through various funding agencies such as, UGC, DST-PURSE, DBT-IPLS.