Vision and Mission
We envision developing the Department as an Advance centre for creating learner centred and humane educational professionals committed to equity and excellence.
• To prepare effective leaders who will assume positions as teacher educators, educational administrators, curriculum developers, researchers, policy makers serving at various levels of education.
• To equip the learners with the spirit of life – long learning and values of equity, trust respect commitment and collaboration.
• To empower the learners with global consciousness and local connectedness.
• To extend the education services to the community for well being of the society.
Goals of the Department
1. To develop the Department into an Advance Center of Education and conduct Research in the trust area of Education.
2. To Empower students with the latest Information and Communication Technology .
3. To promote linkages by Networking National and International Organizations and Bodies related to Education.
4. To Patent Educational research tools in Education.
5. To empower students to apply and generate pedagogical and androgogical principles and practices.
Core Values
Equity, Trust, Respect, Commitment and Collaboration.