About us
The Department of Education was established on 7th November 1979 and the building in which it is housed is named after the renowned Educationist Padma Bhushan Dr. J.P. Naik
The Department has One Professor, one Associate Professor and Two Assistant professors.
The Department has always updated itself and changed the thrust areas of teaching and research over the years in keeping with the UGC, NCTE guidelines at the M. Ed, M. Phil and Ph.D. Levels. It has also P. G. Diploma in Teacher Training Education and P.G. Diploma in Mass Communication Education. As per the NCTE Regulations, 2014, Department started Two Year M. Ed course since 2015-2016, and B.Ed-M.Ed. Three years integrated Course Since 2018-19.
The Goals of the Department are:
1. To develop the Department into an Advance Centre of Education and Conduct Research in the thrust areas of Education.
2. To Empower students with the latest Information and Communication Technology.
3. To promote linkages by Networking National and Interactional Organizations and bodies related to Education.
4. To Patent Educational Research tools in Education.
5. To Patent Computer Multimedia Software’s in Education.
6. To Empower Students to apply and generate pedagogical and androgogical principles and practices.
The Research thrust areas of the Department are Information Communication Technology, Inclusive Education, Science Education and Teacher Education.
The Optional Papers offered in the Department are Educational Guidance & counseling, Educational Management, Comparative Education, Educational Measurement and Evaluation, Inclusive Education .
The Specializations offered are M. Ed. Elementary Education and M. Ed. Secondary Education
The transaction of curriculum in this Department at M. Ed and M. Phil course involves participatory Teaching- learning strategies, such as concept mapping, Dialogue method, Brain storming, Seminar and workshop, Scenario based learning and Simulated Practice. The ICT based teaching-Strategies offered are Learning object Repository, Web 2 Technology, Education Edublog and compulsory use of ICT in seminar, Lectures, Internship and Dissertation viva-voce. To Develop- Students as wholesome personality, the Department Provides Ability and skill Enhancement courses, Educational Tour, self Development programmes and Yoga Education etc. and also provide opportunity for interacting with Educational Experts during seminars, conferences and guest lecturers etc. The Department implements UGC-NET coaching and Remedial coaching schemes etc. Moreover, the students of M. Ed , M. Phil and Ph. D are passing in other competitive exams as MPSC etc and have occupied high Administrative as well as Academic positions as Educational officers, Director of Higher Education, Secretary of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education Board, Maharashtra, Principals of the Colleges, Controller of Examinations, Dean and BOS Chairman, Faculty of the Education, Director of Centre for Distance Education, Shivaji University, Director of Indian Institute of Education, Pune, The students of the Department are also exposed for campus interviews conducted every year in the Department.
The faculty and students are encouraged to attend Refresher courses, Orientation courses, Training Programs, conferences and Co-curricular and extension activities and also participate in the conduct of the same in the Department. All the teachers are IT enabled by way of Intel and Microsoft training. The faculty has contribution in various committees as NAAC, NCTE, Editorial Boards, Advisory Committee, BOS, BUTR, BOE etc.
At present the Department has three Research scholars of UGC, ICSSR Project and University Golden Jubilee Research fellows. One student has pursued as UGC Post Doctoral Fellow.
The future plans of the Department are; Development of standardized Research tools, MOU with Local, National and International Institutions, collaborative and Interdisciplinary Research and to start Need based courses and Training programmes.
All the activities and programmers of the Department are geared up to meet the Vision and Mission and Goals of the Department.