Department of History
Programs, Objectives and Outcomes

Academic Programs:

Academic Programme

Intake of Students


Part-1: 55  Part II: 50

P.G. Diploma in Museology



As per the availability of seats with recognized guides


As per the availability of seats with recognized guides

M.A.  (History)
  Program Objectives:

•    To acquaint students with the past and present of India and the World.
•    Impart a critical understanding of Indian society, economy, polity, and culture through a historical perspective
•    To prepare students for a range of careers 
•    To stimulate intellectual curiosity and research attitude in the students 
•    To introduce the various Indian and foreign traditions of history writing

Program Outcomes:
The following are the learning outcomes that we would like to see each History student graduate with.
•    Capacity to explain how and why important events happen
•    Understanding of the historical method of study
•    A clear understanding of evidence collected from historical sources
•    Critical understanding of  developments in historiography
•    Knowledge of the history of the India and 20th Century Modern World
•    Informed familiarity with multiplecultures and diversity
•    Awareness of current historical debates
•    Understand the skills that historians use in research

PG Diploma in Museology

Program Objectives:
•    Museums provide a stage for the presentation of history, culture, and heritage of a nation. The museum is an institution which gives formal and informal education to all sections of society and therefore becomes an important organization for presenting visual depictions of knowledge systems.
•    This course is planned to introduce students to the study of the museum as an auxiliary subject of History.
•    To provide professional knowledge for the field of Museology.
•    To equip students with theoretical and practical knowledge of conservation and preservation

Program Outcomes:
•    Students will have  first-hand experience of conservation
•    The course will give them an experience of research and writing reports while preparing the dissertation 
•    They will  be able to choose a  career in the field of  Museology


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