Hardware Tools
- Spectrum analyzers
- Oscilloscopes, Power Scopes
- Signal Generators, VHF Generators
- Xilinx, Altera Boards
- 8051, PIC, ARM Microcontroller Kits
- WinCE
- Microstrip antenna measurement system
- Thin film sensor fabrication facility
- Process Control Laboratory tools
- Communication System Diagnostic Tools
- Hardware Testing Tools
- Klystron, Gunn Oscillators, Power Supplies, X, Ku band Microwave Components
- HF, VHF, UHF Signal Sources
- Antenna, GPS, Digital Communication, TV and Satellite trainer kits
- Robot trainer system
- Work-Stations
- DSP Trainer Kit
Software Tools
• COMSOL Multiphysics
• FOSS - Antenna Magus, Ansoft, Ubuntu Linux OS, Scilab, WSN Simulator
• C/C++, MikroC Compiler, Keil
• IE3D antenna simulation tool
• Keil. MicroC, WinCE Development tool
• PSIM software with following Modules
a) Motor Drive Module
b) Renewable Energy Module
c) ModCoupler
d) SmartControl Module
• Xilinx and Altera EDA tools
• FOSS tools