Department of Computer Science
Vision Mission and Goals

(Under faculty of Science and Technology)



To impart training to analyze problems and develop human resources in order to produce

computer Professionals, academics and researchers.


To train students for fundamental and advanced programming techniques right from essential

mathematics and managerial science to high performance computing and soft computing.

Program Outcomes

  1. Students will develop relevant programming abilities.
  2. Students will demonstrate proficiency with statistical analysis of data.
  3. Students will develop the ability to build and assess data-based models.
  4. Students will execute statistical analyses with professional statistical software.
  5. Students will demonstrate skill in data management.
  6. Students will apply data science concepts and methods to solve problems in real-world contexts and will communicate these solutions effectively.

Course Outcomes

Part-I Semester-I


Foundations of data science

  1. To learn basics of statistics regression analysis,mean,mode,median
  2. Overview of tools SQL,Hadoop,hive ,weka,Tableau, R, Python,
  3. To perform data analysis
  4. To learn statistical tools and application



Python for Data


  1. To Learn Basic Syntax of Python Programming.
  2.  To understand and implement concepts of object oriented methodology using Python.
  3.  To learn collections in Python.
  4. . To develop problem solving skills and their implementation through Python.


AI and Machine


  1. Provide an introduction to the basic principles, techniques, and applications of Artificial Intelligence.
  2. Ability to select and implement machine learning techniques and AI computing environment that are suitable for the applications under consideration
  3. Ability to understand and apply scaling up machine learning techniques and associated computing techniques and technologies.
  4. Ability to recognize and implement various ways of selecting suitable model parameters for different machine learning techniques
  5. Use different machine learning techniques to design AI machines and enveloping applications for real world problems.



Deep Learning

  1. Students will be able to learn the  fundamental concepts of artificial      
  2. neural networks.
  3. Students will be able to understand convolution neural networks, recurrent neural networks.
  4. Students will be able to understand the relationship between machine learning, deep learning and artificial intelligence.
  5. Build own deep learning project.



Goals of the Department 

To create a fine band of capable young researchers/ teachers /professionals with great thirst for new technologies, techniques and methodologies.
To produce technocrats to help society to cope up with challenges in new era of technologies.
To provide opportunities to young graduates of the university to reach his/her highest personnel and professional competence

Core Values

To create a fine band of capable young researchers/ teachers /professionals with great thirst for new technologies, techniques and methodologies.
To produce technocrats to help society to cope up with challenges in new era of technologies.
To provide opportunities to young graduates of the university to reach his/her highest personnel and professional competence. 
To inculcate human values and professional ethics among students.


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