Admission 2024 - 2025 ![](../uploads/distedu/new_animated.gif)
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Distance Education is a generic term that includes the range of teaching learning strategies variously described as home study, correspondence education or independent study.
It is a highly welcome step in the direction of taking education to the doors of those willing to acquire higher education but, being unable to do so owing to lack of resources or paucity of time. In India Distance Education opportunities at the University level have increased enormously. Many new trends are putting great pressure on the conventional education system forcing many institutions to review and amend their existing policies and procedures. In the light of which the Shivaji University, Kolhapur took the decision to establish its Centre for Distance Education.
To provide educational opportunities:
- To more number of distance learners from the various age groups.
- To different sections of the society, who are for some reason unable to pursue education and bring them into the main stream.
- To the female class of the society who have remained deprived because of domestic responsibilities and social restrictions.
- To the working class who choose to study at their own place and pace.
- To all sections of the society irrespective of caste, religion, gender, area of origin, social and financial status etc.
- At affordable costs.
- To offer courses of study along with Self Instructional Material, contact sessions, counselling facilities, library and internet facilities through designated Study Centres.
Our endeavor is...
- To provide an alternative non-formal channel for higher education.
- To reduce the pressure on the conventional university.
- To provide a means for continuing and life long education so as to enrich the lives of people.
- To provide venues for access to higher education.
- To democratize higher education by providing access to large segment of the population particularly the disadvantaged groups such as those living in remote and rural areas, including working people, women and other adults who wish to acquire and upgrade their knowledge and skills through studies in various fields.
- To help those who wish to improve their educational qualification and are interested in undertaking advanced studies of their interest without being required to join as full time students.